23rd Wembley Sahabah Scouts

Muslim Scouting in NW London

Scouting is a voluntary non political educational movement for young people, with an emphasis on practical outdoor activities including camping, bushcraft, hiking and adventures. Scouting encourages young people to achieve their full physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual development by encouraging life skills such as leadership, teamwork, and care for our community and world.
About Us

Who We Are

23rd Wembley Sahabah Scouts has been a proud member of the worldwide family of Scouts since 2007 building upon a long tradition of scouting in Wembley. We aim to intertwine Scouting with an Islamic ethos as much as possible and we are the largest group in the Greenford District.

Scouting’s Founder Robert Baden-Powel described scouting as a Movement, and central to the values of the Scouting Movement are the scout’s promise and law.

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