
Eve Explorer Activity Day July 2021

The character development aspect of Scouting intends to build the children into strong disciplined and compassionate adults, preparing them to embrace life’s challenges with the right knowledge, skills and attitude.

As leaders, we are lucky to get an insight into how the programme is facilitating that transformation and along with the fun of toasting marshmallows on a campfire after a long day of exciting activities, it is these sentiments and values from the Scouts themselves which inspire us to work on.

Here is a lovely selection of quotes from our Scouts. They are true, and truely inspiring.

“Our world is a small world, this world if different, this world is is a big world”

Beaver Scout on 1st camp looking out at tents in a muddy field

After reflective camp on those who are forced to live in tents and sleep on the ground, and how we can help those less fortunate than ourselves, a Scout was asked what have you taken away today. On careful consideration, he replied

“Today I have taken away my arms and my legs”

“If you could be anyone who would you be?”

“I would be myself as I have been given everything I need to help others”

“Sewing on my badges is more fun than backflips”

Beaver on receipt of his first ever badges, which he worked incredibly hard to earn.

“You have nothing to be ashamed of”

to homeless man who was sad to tell his family what had happened to him.

“They treated me like an adult with respect and I learned to treat others with respect”

“Beavers is about exploring the world from bit to bit”

Poetry writing session with Beavers.

“I’ve never used a knife before, my mum doesn’t let me”

Cub when cutting an onion to cook for homeless (with parental consent!). Next session we were sawing & cutting down trees for conservation work, with his confidence built up from the onion, this young Cub had cut down the most!

What does Scouting mean to you? What knowledge, skills and attitudes have transpired from your Scouts as a result of their adventures. Complete the web form here to contribute to this page, with their permission!

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